Sunday, April 12, 2009

TIP: Coordinate your content

For those authors struggling to prioritize pertinent bits of information as they use online tools to promote their book. Mr. Obie Joe knows it's tough to figure ut which ones go first, and which ones can go monthly (never your blog, right?).

Some online tools make better matches than others:
• Twitter to FaceBook: Same amount of words, and same depth of content. Perfect for updates from book tour. Just don't forget to sprinkle in a few event photographs.
• MySpace video to YouTube: similar audience attention span, and similar stan possibilities on topics.
• Your blog's podcast to your own channel on Vox or YouTube. When you build your own channels via YT and Vox, you build audiences based on people who like your audio style. Plus, you can mix in excerpts from other artists to explain a larger point.
• Eons to Gather. GoodReads picks to Shelfari.

In these efforts, you're not only connecting with an increasing audience, you're also pushing up your Google spot, both for your book, and your name as an author.

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