Wednesday, September 5, 2007

POD it the Facebook way

While reading about the amusing tactic by possible Facebook founder Aaron Greenspan to find an agent --he sent out 800 identical solicitations -- Mr. Obie Joe wondered if the young man could better spend his time with another effort in getting his book to market.

To us, Greenspan’s authorial attributes don’t include his Harvard term. If you’re a guy who spins technology gold for online social networks, wouldn’t you really, really be keen on publishing, marketing and selling the book yourself? The revolution we’re seeing from the democratization of the tools in book production and promotion could make Greenspan’s book a perfect experiment for the last missing piece: a killer app for connecting books and audiences.

Greenspan, take on the book yourself (but make sure to hire a very good editor, cover designer, too), test out a variation of the social networks that have brought others so much success, and include us in the success.

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