Thursday, December 11, 2008

Even the President-Elect saw the importance of friends...

...when it came to selling books. In the sense that the first customers should always be your friends, and then thereafter, start the momentum of the wonderful "and she told a friend, and then she told a friend, and so on, and so on..."

If you are an author still clinging to the delusion that your book will sell once you, (or your poor publicist), gets that one big media hit, expand your thinking. Successful books are the result of campaigns that build audiences among many sectors. Some will be from media, sure, but many more will be from the friend-of-a-friend strategy.

Plus, you can always tell your friend that throwing you a book party (or coffee as they say in political campaigns) is fantastic networking. Back in 1995, Chicago-based attorney Valerie Jarrett threw a book party for a little known State Senator.

The book was Dreams from My Father, and Jarrett's party drew just 10 people. But even then Jarrett went the extra mile, and personally hand-sold dozens of copies.

Well, Mr. Obie Joe guesses you all know what happened to Jarrett, and her fav author, President-Elect Barack Obama.

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