Friday, December 19, 2008

TIP: The care & feeding of your blog

Some of y'all, well, spicy talkers have given Ms. Obie Joe grief for the limited blogroll set up for this here conversation. Blogrolls, particularly for those in the book line of work are often, and wonderfully, quite lengthy. Which is good, because the conversation should never be limited to a few.

That said, when thinking of your blogroll, after you decide the size, theme and scope, make sure to keep it up to date. Which is one of the main reasons the Obie Joe blogroll is limited to the dozen or so sites we read on a regular basis; there are countless others we read, but just not as regularly.

Use the MySpace "Top Friends" approach, and list those dozen sites of greatest importance to you. From there, have separate categories for the blogs less visited by you; categorizing your blogroll will help you say yes to the bloggers who ask to be added to your blogroll.

Keep the blogroll specific to your book or genre. Save the link to I Can Haz Cheeseburger for the homefront.

Consider using an external source to manage your blogroll. Even though your site and/or blog has a spot for your blogroll, using an external source -- as an addition -- helps with your SEO goals. Obie Joe uses, even though they've had some technical issues of late.

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